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Ireland 2023 ☘️

There is some data to suggest that certain genetic mutations that cause amyloidosis may be more prevalent in people of Irish descent. This year's ride was our biggest yet, and stretched from the Irish mainland's most northern point, Malin Head, to the breathtaking Cliffs of Moher. It was once again a smashing success, and our best fundraising effort to date. We raised £8,213.31, which was spit into two donations. £3,200.00 was given to Amyloidosis Ireland, representing the 32 counties of Ireland and supporting amyloidosis research within them. The other £5,013.31 was donated to the the Royal Free Charity Amyloidosis Fund, and was very generously matched by Dell Ireland, making it a hefty £10,026.63 to research. This brings the year's grand total to £13,226.63, as well as the $1,500.00 (CAD) yearly bursary to BCIT.

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